The nitty gritty
Trademarks & copyright
Our website and the content within our website are the property of Colleen Stangeland and NEWTW!ST’s suppliers and are protected by United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions.
The trademarks, service marks, and logos (the “Trademarks”) used and displayed on our website are registered and unregistered Trademarks of Colleen Stangeland and others. Nothing on our website should be construed as granting, by implication, estoppel or otherwise, any license or right to use any Trademark displayed on our website, without the prior written permission of the Trademark owners.
The name of NEWTW!ST, the NEWTW!ST logo, or the other NEWTW!ST formatives may not be used in any way, including in advertising or publicity pertaining to the distribution of products on this website, without prior, written permission from NEWTW!ST. Other product and company names mentioned on this website may be the Trademarks of their respective owners.